Voyage Marketplace offers trending, relevant, travel products and accessories for clients booking vacation or business travel. Logo designed in partnership with Hill Design Co. ---------
Logo design for local photographer CMJ photography. The design was inspired by the photographer's love of tattoos and her three daughters. Logo completed in 2016. ---------
Edelweiss Florist located around Springfield, Missouri. Logo completed in partnership with Hill Design Co. in 2015. ---------
City of Albany, MIssouri logo. Logo completed in 2014. ---------
The Albany Chamber of Commerce is currently planning a Piccadilly Women's Night for the women of the community to attend. I am on the branding and marketing committee and designed the logo for the event. ---------
Lonestar Investments logo. A local investment firm. Logo completed in 2015. ---------
In June 2015, the Big B.A.M. (Bike Across Missouri) stopped in Albany. I worked with the city to brand and market the event to show the cyclists the great community of Albany. The BIg B.A.M. logo (located in the Missouri outline) was provided by the company behind B.A.M. but the rest of the artwork here was designed by me. ---------
Truck Workshop 2008 logo. ---------
The Truck Blue Book Golf Tournament 2010 logo. ---------
Y-Road General Store logo. Convenience store in the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri. ---------
Book, Directory, Creative, Data Product Group logo. My group's production manager asked for the designers to submit logo designs for our group and mine was selected. ---------